Posts tagged video production
PART 5 - Amateur Vs Professional Video Production: 5 Ways To Tell The Difference


Composition is the arrangement of elements within an image or scene in a way that is pleasing and easy to read. A professional camera operator has, over time, refined their eye for what is visually appealing. They will be able to effectively capture a range of creative angles and compositions, and have an understanding of which lens to use for each particular shot. These skills allow them to successfully capture any subject, whilst keeping the specific narrative and style of the project in mind.

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PART 2 - Amateur Vs Professional Video Production: 5 Ways To Tell The Difference


It takes creativity and skill to shoot and edit the unique moments required to create well-considered content that accurately represents a brand’s message. Story’s are how we relate to one another, and telling the story of your brand, introducing your team members, or depicting the imagined life of your products is essential in creating a deep and meaningful connection with your audience.

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Our mission is to create the best videos that we can for our clients, which in turn play an integral part in their future business success. At June Films we have established a set of 5 Core Values, which remain at the heart of the way we work and ensure that we offer excellent value to our clients.

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