PART 3 - Amateur Vs Professional Video Production: 5 Ways To Tell The Difference

Video permeates every corner of our lives, with smartphone cameras transforming everyone into potential content creators. Yet, amidst this flood of content, how much of it meets the standards of true quality? Distinguishing professional-grade content from the rest doesn't require expertise. In this blog series, we'll unveil the five telltale signs that a video has been crafted by seasoned production professionals.


Capturing an image using a camera is essentially capturing light. The light travels from the outside scene to the sensor at the back of the camera, which either chemically (analogue film cameras) or digitally (modern digital cameras) saves and stores it an a series of images. This means that light is the element that, without which, filming simply would not work.

Professional lighting equipment or well utilised natural lighting is used to highlight the focal point of a shot and to improve the overall image quality. When deliberate lighting techniques (natural or artificial) are not employed at all, an image will be left flat and uninteresting. When used incorrectly light can blow-out sections of a shot, or highlight or play-down the wrong elements, and this is often difficult to correct in the editing room. 

On the other hand, lighting used well makes a world of difference. It elevates footage, making it look polished, well-considered and helping it to stand out. Lighting can be used to control the mood of a scene, and define the look of a video. Utilising natural light conveys a more organic and authentic aesthetic. Whereas artificial light can be used to create a natural appearance, as well a more polished, controlled, and commercial look. A professional filmmaker knows when and how to employ and combine these different forms of light, to create a desired look.

Next time you watch a video, take note of the lighting used - Is it highlighting the main subject, defining the visual style, or setting a specific mood? The more you look, the more you will notice the importance and significance of this creative filmmaking element.

Stay tuned for the next blog post all about the importance of good EDITING TECHNIQUES & COLOUR GRADING!

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