PART 4 - Amateur Vs Professional Video Production: 5 Ways To Tell The Difference

Video permeates every corner of our lives, with smartphone cameras transforming everyone into potential content creators. Yet, amidst this flood of content, how much of it meets the standards of true quality? Distinguishing professional-grade content from the rest doesn't require expertise. In this blog series, we'll unveil the five telltale signs that a video has been crafted by seasoned production professionals.


It’s safe to say that Video Editing is amongst the most important roles in the film industry. During the production process, editing is a critical phase: This is where the footage is brought to life, the narrative shaped, and the mood and aesthetic defined and refined.

Poor editing can kill even the best footage. An in-experienced filmmaker may do little to no editing once the footage has been shot, and this will be clear to the viewer. Whereas a professional editor will use a range of techniques to blend images and audio, creating scenes and a structure, to make the audience feel emotionally engaged and connected to the video they’re watching. Visuals and sounds will be skilfully placed, creating a consistent flow, and keeping the audience engaged by telling the story effectively.

Colour Grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of a video by adjusting various attributes such as contrast, saturation, colour tone, shadows, highlights, skin tones, and detail. It is used for creating both technical and creative changes to the look of a video. It can convey a specific atmosphere, aesthetic, or emotion, as well as helping to lead a narrative. A professional Colourist will ensure that scenes have a consistent colour grade throughout; important aspects of shots are highlighted; and the visuals are well balanced all the way through.

In our opinion, a skilled Video Editor and Colourist are essential in creating successful content: Whatever you can imagine, they can create! And working with one allows for enhanced artistic freedom, and promises a polished and professional final piece.

Stay tuned for the next blog post all about the importance of COMPOSITION & MOVEMENT!

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